And every time your considered a dinner making up story's just to get some bonus. I've seen bonuses be denied claiming no such offers have ever been sent to any player and then having major bleed with management demanding they log directly into my account. I've seen promotional material disappear and staff have no record of any such bonus offers yet offers where in my account. I've lost several deposits that failed to register yet removed from my card. I've lost all winnings resulting from free spin features. I've lost free games on last push of credits. Ever since the introduction of mixed provider and browser game systems I've seen over 5 system errors and failors. If it wasn't for a chat stUffer actively viewing my game play at the time and opening his mouth saying he saw that then I'm sure it would never be fixed not error acknowledged. I've had similar issues with some games, even to the degree that hundreds of $$$ of winnings vanished, without logs or any proof.